Tag: Server Management

Reading Time: 6 minutes

The security and durability of your digital assets are critical considerations in the dynamic field of web administration. Making routine backups is one of the fundamental habits that each watchful website owner should adopt. But there is a reliable and simple method that uses the terminal and command line, as opposed to depending on sophisticated software programs or third-party applications.

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Reading Time: 10 minutes

This article explains how to set up Webmin on AlmaLinux using Liquid Web servers, known for their high-performance capabilities and reliable infrastructure. By combining these technologies, you can optimize server management and ensure efficient web application operation.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

If you're running a website and notice that it's slow, doesn't load your content, or is prone to crashing, then you may have a problem. If the server is trying to maximize its performance but can't, the its architecture may be to blame. If you're interested in website development, then you may already be aware of this common problem.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

The creators of Apache have come a long way since their humble beginnings with the Apache HTTP Server Project. In 1995, a group of the most talented minds coded and improved the NCSA HTTPd server. While fixing bugs and adding in some much-needed capabilities, they were led to create Apache.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

In this article, we will be discussing what it means to employ a “Managed Server” versus an “Unmanaged Server” and what the primary differences are. This article is written in response to ongoing questions we have received from clients regarding the types of resources, services, and capabilities that are included when a managed server is selected for use.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Keeping your data and information secure has never been more important than in this age. Changing your root password is one of the most basic and efficient steps to ensure maximum data security. WebHost Manager, or WHM for short, offers this capability in just a few clicks. It doesn’t matter if you are new or if you already have experience in web development, it's just a matter of time before the need to change the root password on your web server will arise. In this WebHost Manager (WHM) tutorial we will explain how you can do exactly that.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Like an Apache virtual host, a NGINX virtual host (server block) allows you to host multiple domains or websites on your server. The configuration of NGINX virtual hosts — or server blocks as they are referred to on NGINX — will be covered in this article. The Linux distribution documented in our scenario discussed below will be AlmaLinux.

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Reading Time: 12 minutes

Table of Contents

  1. What is Systemctl?
  2. Managing Services
  3. System State Overview
  4. What is a Unit File?
  5. Working with Unit Files
  6. Using Targets (Runlevels)
  7. Stopping or Rebooting the Server
  8. Conclusion
  9. FAQ

What is Systemctl?

Systemctl is a command-line tool that allows for the management and monitoring of the systemd system and service manager. It consists of a range of system management utilities, libraries, and daemons that have replaced the previous System V (SysV) init daemon. With its various commands, systemctl proves to be a helpful tool in managing a server's services. It provides detailed information about individual systemd services as well as those that have system-wide usage.

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What is Plesk and How to Use It?

Posted on by Chika Ibeneme | Updated:
Reading Time: 5 minutes

When you host your website or application on the web, you need a control panel to manage various aspects of your server. The choice of control panel largely depends on your hosting provider and factors such as pricing and ease of use. You need to use a control panel that is price friendly and easy to use.

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